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Customer Surveys: The Flawed Feedback?

Sean Mulvaney, Co-Founder

Surveys are a commonly used tool for businesses to gather customer feedback, but they are not always the most effective option.

Here are a few reasons why using actual customer questions and comments from the customer support system can be a better way to gather customer feedback:

  1. Surveys are often not representative of the entire customer base. Because surveys require customers to take the time to fill them out, they are often only completed by a small percentage of customers. This means that the feedback gathered from surveys may not accurately reflect the experiences and opinions of the majority of customers.

  2. Surveys can be biased. The way that a survey is designed and the questions that are asked can influence the answers that customers give. This can lead to biased results that do not accurately reflect the true experiences and opinions of customers.

  3. Surveys can be impersonal. Customers may feel like they are just being asked to fill out a form, rather than having a personal conversation with the business. This can make them less likely to provide honest and detailed feedback.

In contrast, using actual customer questions and comments from the customer support system can provide a more accurate and representative view of customer experiences and opinions. Because these comments are made in the course of a conversation with the business, they are often more detailed and specific than the feedback provided in surveys. Additionally, by responding to customer questions and comments, businesses can show that they value their customers' feedback and are committed to addressing their concerns.

Furthermore, using customer questions and comments from the customer support system can provide a larger and more comprehensive dataset than surveys. Because customer support systems often include a record of all customer interactions, businesses can gather a wealth of data from these systems, including both comments and questions from a large number of customers. This can provide a more complete picture of customer experiences and opinions.

Overall, while surveys can be a useful tool for gathering customer feedback, they are not always the most effective option. Using actual customer questions and comments from the customer support system can provide a more accurate and personal way to gather feedback from customers, as well as a larger and more comprehensive dataset that can be used to identify trends and improve customer satisfaction.

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